Below are 5 quick and actionable tips to help amplify the reach of your digital marketing:
- You’ll notice that on each of our blog posts we include a very clean and simple widget that enables our audience to share that piece of content with anyone via their own social networks on such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. This widget is provided by the team at addthis.com. You too can enable your visitors to share your content by displaying that widget on your own respective site by downloading it here.
- If you’ve been actively blogging for a couple months and have built a base of around 15-20 posts, consider combining some of the top visited articles and creating an eBook offer. Since eBooks are considered to be higher-value content pieces, you may be able to collect visitor information in exchange for downloading of your eBook. eBooks are a great way for Advisors to collect information from prospects visiting their website.
- Interested in driving more blog traffic to your site? Post a small excerpt of a blog article to your LinkedIn page that includes a “Read More” link pointed back to your website.
- On top of posting to your LinkedIn network try sharing the post within a number of LinkedIn groups and communities. I would be cautious in submitting to forums where you haven’t contributed or built rapport in the community. Blindly posting to a number of forums, before building a rapport in that group, can be perceived as spam.
- Finally, be sure to think about who in your network could also benefit from your content pieces. Your extended partner community of accountants, lawyers, etc. may have their own digital marketing channels that may be open to sharing your content in the form of a guest blog post or direct e-mail to their client base. You can track the metrics of who is directing the most traffic back to your site and reach out to these partners. The top referrals should be logged in your CRM as partners that warrant “thank-you” emails and quarterly check-ins. Staying committed to this approach could some day land you a client who contacted you after coming across your post on their attorney’s monthly eNewsletter.
If you want to amplify the reach of your digital marketing download the free e-book today!