About Marketing @ Veriday

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But we are proud to say that Marketing @ Veriday contributed 443 entries already.

Entries by Marketing @ Veriday


Financial Advisors: Take Advantage of Local Marketing

In such a globally connected world, people try to market to anyone and everyone. Although, in the process of doing so, they lose sight of their local audience. When strategizing your marketing, a one-size-fits-all approach is not the way to go. According to a study done by the National Public Radio (NPR), localized content had […]

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Business Uses and Benefits of Intranets & Extranets: Part 2

According to techopedia, an extranet is a controlled private network allowing customers, partners, vendors, suppliers and other businesses to gain information. Extranets make communicating simple for individuals inside and outside of an organization. Keep in mind that intranets are also a controlled private network, except access is only given to individuals within an organization. In this […]


Veriday Hosts UX Challenge Competition for UWaterloo MDEI Students

On March 30th, Veriday welcomed 30 students and staff from the University of Waterloo’s Master of Digital Experience Innovation (MDEI) program. Veriday collaborated and hosted a User Experience (UX) Challenge Competition with Professor Karin Schmidlin, in which 6 teams of 4-6 students competed. MDEI is a multi-disciplinary program that offers a unique combination of creativity, […]

When It Comes to Digital Strategy, Are You a Leader or Lagger?

This post was authored by Martin Yan and originally appeared here on Liferay.com —————————— Though every industry is different, there is something all companies are dealing with: a quickly changing sales landscape. With the rise of mobile and highly-connected customers, the days of cold calling and “batch-and-blasts” are long gone. Traditional sales methods simply won’t cut […]

The Evolution of FinTech: Infographic

The Evolution of FinTech Financial Technology, or FinTech, has recently emerged as its own industry, consisting of companies that use technology to make financial systems more efficient for their customers. According to statista, “As of February 2015, bank spending on new technologies in North America was projected to reach 17 billion U.S. dollars in 2015 […]

Financial Advisors: Are You Optimizing Your Emails?

54% of marketers rate email as the most effective type of digital marketing and the least difficult to execute (Mailigen). Email marketing provides Financial Advisors an effective way to stay in touch with current clients and prospects. Here are 6 ways to optimize your email marketing for better success in the future: Personalize Your Emails […]