About Marketing @ Veriday

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But we are proud to say that Marketing @ Veriday contributed 443 entries already.

Entries by Marketing @ Veriday


How to Build Customer Loyalty in the Digital Age

This post was authored by Matthew Draper and originally appeared here on Liferay.com ———————————– The age of digital transformation has helped companies better understand and connect with their target audiences, with everything from dynamic content to page behavior insights helping to create a better picture of how individuals interact with companies. However, it has also greatly […]


Are Banks Failing at Customer Experience?

Welcome to Part 2 of our two-part series examining customer experience in banking, through graphics from the Financial Brand. In Part 1 of this article, we discussed which channels consumers use to research various financial products (or services) and what banks believe the biggest benefits of personalization are. We also looked at why banks struggle […]


Association of Canadian Compliance Professionals 16th Annual Conference

What: Association of Canadian Compliance Professionals 16th Annual Conference When: Monday, April 24th, 2017 Where: The Carlu – 444 Yonge St. Toronto, Ontario – Round and Sky Rooms ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We are excited to be sponsoring and attending the Association of Canadian Compliance Professionals (ACCP) 16th Annual Conference, in Toronto on April 24th. The one-day conference […]


The Importance of Digital Marketing In Financial Services

Fundamentals are important in anything you do. As Jim Rohn, author, motivational speaker and mentor to Tony Robbins, once said: “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” Having great fundamentals are as important in digital marketing as they are in anything. The profession is constantly […]