About Marketing @ Veriday

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But we are proud to say that Marketing @ Veriday contributed 443 entries already.

Entries by Marketing @ Veriday

How Financial Agents Can Thrive Using Social Media

Social media has become one of the most popular tools at a marketers disposal. Nearly every business has at least one social media channel, usually one or two of the big 3: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and with good cause. 64% of Twitter users and 51% of Facebook users are more likely to buy the […]


The 4 Building Blocks of Content Marketing Strategy

30% of B2B and 38% of B2C marketers say they’re effective at content marketing. Those numbers jump 14% and 20% respectively among marketers with a documented content strategy. To succeed at content marketing, you need to define a strategy. You’ll need to understand what your goals are, what resources you will need to achieve those […]

A Beginners Guide to Digital Advertising

Outbound Digital Marketing Tactics $83 billion dollars is projected to be spent on digital advertisements in 2017. There are many different types of digital ads, different pricing models, and different media types. Some ad formats can only be had on one platform; others are universal. These nuances and differences are important to every marketer who […]

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More Than Price: How Service Contributes to Experience

Consumers make purchase decisions based on many factors. Price, convenience, the value provided by purchase and service quality are four criteria that customers consider when making a purchase decision. Traditionally, the price is the differentiating factor that pushes consumers in one way or another. Distinguishing your service based on price is fine if all else […]

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Write Powerful Content: Blogs, Ebooks and More

Writing content for the web has its challenges, but if done correctly can bring positive results to your business. You may feel that you’re ready to write your first articles, but without these fundamentals in place, your writing may not return the expected results. These fundamentals of writing engaging content should help you create high-performing, web-friendly […]

Assessing the Digital Landscape for Financial Institutions

Assessing the Digital Landscape for Financial Institutions: How to Lead the Charge With People and Technology Read the eBook on Liferay’s Website Veriday is a Liferay Platinum Partner. We’ve been successfully designing and implementing solutions using Liferay since 2005. We are one of Liferay’s strongest partners because we do more than just development. At Veriday, […]


9 Characteristics of Successful Content

Creating engaging content can be a difficult task for any marketer. However, there are several steps that you can take to ensure your content experiences the most success possible. To get the best return from the time and resources invested in an attempt to attract customers, try to create each piece of content with these […]


How Customers Get Information in 2017

There are many ways to communicate information to your customers. The last decade has seen an influx of digital communication methods. Traditional advertisements, blog posts, videos, and press releases all communicate information. However, thanks to new technologies including social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to the growing popularity of blogging, there are […]