“Where do I start if I want an effective web presence?”
Many financial and insurance advisors today are asking themselves whether they need to be online. Some are convinced that their customers don’t go online and some just aren’t sure whether being online is the right thing for them. The reality of the time period we live in is that if you can’t be found online, you don’t exist. Think of the last time when you were the buyer and the seller handed you a business card. If you’ve never heard of them, your first instinct would likely be to look for them online. So, having a web presence isn’t a matter of “should I”, it’s really a matter of “when and how”.
When we talk about having a web presence it does mean more than just a website, however, any solid web presence starts with the creation of a website. When advisors first embark on this digital journey, we recommend that advisors focus on asking themselves a number of key questions that can help accelerate the creation process and ultimately get the website to a “ready-to-launch” state:
- What colours best reflect my practice’s brand?
- What is the general process or philosophy I follow when it comes to doing business with my clients?
- What imagery best represents my local area or brand?
- Do I have a biography outlining my credentials?
- Do I have a personal photo or image?
- Do I have photos of my team members?
- Do my team members have a biography outlining their credentials?
- Do I have a logo? Do I need a logo? Will I use my dealer’s logo?
- What services or products am I licensed to sell?
- Do I have any testimonials from my current clients?
These are just a handful of the questions to ask at the beginning of the website creation process. The key thing to remember is that having a web presence is an iterative process. The most important part of getting started is just that, getting started and getting your website launched. Remember, there’s no such thing as perfect when it comes to the creation of a website and with a website, you’ll have a foundation that you can build on to grow and solidify your web presence.
If you have more questions or would like an honest conversation about how to get started and where you can go, get in touch with us using the contact form below.