Veriday reached out to a leading insurance and financial services company in Canada to understand their challenges and opportunities. The company was experiencing fragmentation and a lack of brand integration across their advisor sites. They had about 500 websites in the market, but lacked an easy way to distribute and approve content. This presented a number of challenges that included:
A cumbersome compliance process contributing to slow approvals of custom content featured on advisor sites.
An inefficient process for distributing corporate marketing content, including brand partners, sponsorships, and other marketing campaigns, to advisors for them to share via their channels.
Initiated discovery with the company that included:
Meeting Compliance, Marketing, Procurement, and other corporate stakeholders to understand the scope of the issues they were seeking to address, and determine how Veriday’s Digital Agent could help.
Determining roadmap for executing defined objectives with Veriday’s product team.
Initiated pilot with a subset of technically savvy advisors to determine scalability for company-wide release:
Provided a sandboxed environment to allow advisors to test the product.
Deployed Digital Agent with 25 advisors initially, allowing them to test the product, gather analytics, and provide feedback to inform further development and customization to meet client’s requirements.
Worked with corporate marketing to approve marketing collateral internally, and from corporate partners and sponsors to curate a content library that advisors can draw from to populate site content.
Leveraged positive data and feedback from pilot group to advocate for wider adoption.
Signed Master Service Agreement for Veriday’s Digital Agent (DA) to become the go-to option for advisors requiring websites.