About Marketing @ Veriday

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But we are proud to say that Marketing @ Veriday contributed 443 entries already.

Entries by Marketing @ Veriday

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6 SEO Pitfalls to Avoid During Your Next Website Re(Design) Final Part: Failing to think like a human

We’ve reached the final pitfall in the 6 SEO Pitfalls to Avoid During Your Next Website Re(Design).   Failing to think like a human. This may seem obvious but it is often overlooked during the development process. Designing your website with only SEO in mind can be a mistake. It is important to remember throughout the […]

Inbound Vs. Outbound Marketing

Marketing is an inevitable part of any business and is necessary in order to publicize and promote your products or services. Modern marketing is most often split between two main camps: inbound and outbound marketing.  So, what exactly is Inbound and Outbound Marketing? Meet Inbound Marketing. This is marketing that is focused on customers finding […]

Let Your Backbone Slide – Extending RESTful web services

Backbone.js provides a very flexible framework for building JavaScript applications that interact with web services. Models and Collections serve to represent easily represent data entities, with operations to create, read, update, and delete. This set of operations – summarized as ‘CRUD’ – is very common to see in web applications. How, though, do you interact […]

CRM 2 will empower clients, but will it empower Advisors?

The Client Relationship Model Stage 2 (CRM2) model will change the way clients view the service their financial advisors provide. It will empower the clients to asses the relationship with their advisor and how they are progressing towards reaching their investment goals. The CRM 2 bill is generating a fair bit of uncertainty and fear […]


3 Easy Steps to Start Your Advisor Blog

Many of the insurance and financial advisors that I speak to on a regular basis find the task of blogging to be a very daunting and time consuming task. Blogging is one of the most effective ways to drive traffic and is also a critical sales and marketing tactic to connect with your audience. One of […]