About Marketing @ Veriday

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But we are proud to say that Marketing @ Veriday contributed 443 entries already.

Entries by Marketing @ Veriday

Using Visuals and Storytelling to Communicate Online

This post was authored by Marie Swift and originally appeared here on GuideVine. ———————————————————— Financial advisors that build successful brands online have incorporated their personalities along with their business perspectives. Increasingly though, the next level of success means going beyond text and links, to using images, infographics, multimedia and videos. People learn in various ways and […]

How to use Jenkins CI to deploy Liferay apps (Part 1)

Who is Jenkins CI? Jenkins CI is an open source continuous integration server we use at Veriday to automate our builds and deployments to various environments. It is used at various companies including eBay, GitHub, Facebook, Liferay, Netflix, LinkedIn and many more. You can run your own instance in your office like we do, or […]

Advisors: Financial Tech Habits of Baby Boomers

Between the years of 1946 and 1964, it is estimated that 76 million babies were born in America. Known as the baby boomers, many are reaching their retirement years in a drastically changing economy. This demographic owns over 80% of all the personal wealth in North America’s financial institutions, making them an important group for […]


Financial Advisor Marketing: A Blueprint for Success

This post was authored by Marie Swift and originally appeared here on GuideVine. ———————————————————— Many financial advisors become so entrenched in daily routines and heavy workloads that they fail to adequately plan for the ongoing success of their business. As the New Year comes into view, smart financial advisors will take a “planning break”. They step […]


Use These 3 Buckets of Financial Blog Content to Attract Prospects

This post was authored by Kristin Harad and originally appeared here on GuideVine. ———————————————————— If you want to build your online presence and attract an interested following of prospects (as well as existing clients) you may have launched a financial blog. But after the initial rush and excitement of starting out, are you keeping up with your […]