About Marketing @ Veriday

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Entries by Marketing @ Veriday

A Conversation with Customers: Liferay Digital Experience Platform

This post was authored by Bryan Cheung and appeared here first on Liferay.com. ——————- The internet has changed the way we live because it gives everyone an equal voice in a global conversation. No matter who you are or where you live, you can make yourself heard, whether by contributing to Wikipedia, creating a video that goes viral on social […]

The Internet of Things Will Explode by 2020

By the year 2020, there will be 24 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices installed around the world. In fact, it is predicted that every day in 2016, we will see 5.5 million new things get connected (TeamViewer). IoT has been labelled as The Next Industrial Revolution because it will change the way people live, […]

Recap of the 4th Liferay User Group Meetup

Veriday hosted the 4th Liferay User Group Meetup on May 3rd, 2016 at our office location. It was a successful evening full of insightful presentations and great company. A big thanks you to all of our clients and guests for joining us. For those of you who missed it, the Liferay User Group covered the following […]

How is Content Marketing Changing Buyer Behaviour?

How is content marketing changing buyer behaviour?  In fact, content marketing is not changing buyer behaviour. A brief history of Content Marketing The truth is, content marketing has been around for a long time. It all began back in the late 1800s.  In 1895, John Deere started publishing a magazine called, “The Furrow”. The purpose of […]


Liferay Announces a Platform for the Digital Enterprise

This article originally appeared here on www.liferay.com ———————– Liferay Digital Experience Platform helps improve customer experiences by bridging organizational silos and processes LOS ANGELES, Calif. — (May 3, 2016) — Liferay, Inc., which makes software for enterprises, announced today the Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP), designed to help companies create and manage experiences that support the end-to-end customer […]


Advisors: Reach your Prospects by Posting at Optimal Times

More than 60% of Financial Advisors, who prospected on LinkedIn, successfully gained new clients as a result (source). As a Financial Advisor, having an online presence, specifically social media, is crucial to helping to convert prospects into clients and growing your business. With almost 1.6 billion monthly active users on Facebook, 320 million on Twitter, […]