About Marketing @ Veriday

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Entries by Marketing @ Veriday

Powering Up Your LinkedIn Presence For Success

Your LinkedIn profile has so much potential to be your strongest marketing tool if leveraged correctly. By having a professional completed profile with unique content written, advisors can differentiate themselves. 1. Where does LinkedIn Fit In? Priority 1: Point A to B: Your LinkedIn profile is your website. It is functional and mandatory. Without it, […]

Factors Affecting Costs of Technology Projects

There are many factors that affect costs of technology projects. Whether your organization is looking to create a new system, from scratch, or upgrade an existing system. At Veriday, we have extensive experience working on technology projects, and as a result, have a fundamental understanding of factors that affect the cost of projects of this […]


Is Blockchain Right for You? Bridging the Legacy Gap

In 2017, it has seemed as if every day there were new reports, predictions, stories, and articles on how innovative and disruptive blockchain technologies can be. The allure of a decentralized ledger is powerful, especially in financial services. The great appeal may stem from the fact that there are multiple use-cases for the blockchain. It […]


6 Best Practices of A Great Omnichannel Experience: Part 1

Thanks to the ever-increasing capabilities of mobile devices, more and more people are using multiple channels when making a purchase. Just 27% of people use only one channel during their buyer’s journey. That means the other 73% of individuals are omnichannel customers. These omnichannel customers are more valuable to your business, spending 4% more every […]


3 Essential Elements of the Best Omnichannel Experiences

At Veriday, we recognize the value of an excellent customer experience. Our digital marketing platform, Digital Agent, helps financial agents offer an excellent, omnichannel experience to their customers and audience alike. Today, we will examine the three main elements of an omnichannel experience. An omnichannel experience means users can interact with your business however they […]