6 Facts You Shouldn’t Leave Out of Your Advisor Biography

Advisors: 5 Quick Ways to Amplify the Reach of Your Digital Marketing

At Digital Agent, we work with hundreds of Advisors to help them establish an effective and engaging online presence. Describing yourself or your brand in a way that really sells can be a daunting task. It is your ‘’About Us’’ page that introduces yourself to your website visitors, tells them what you do and builds rapport that will hopefully turn them into a client.

You don’t just want to be a name and a job title. Use your biography page to establish your credentials, showcase your expertise, and showcase some of your personality.  You want to give prospects enough information to feel comfortable choosing you as an Advisor. When it comes to composing your Advisor biography, our team suggests including the following 6 points:

  1. Catalogue the number of years you’ve been in the business. Ex. “John Pierre has over XX years of experience in the financial services and insurance industries in the province/state of _____.”
  2. Highlight any clubs or committees you head or are a member of.
  3. List your designations and more importantly, describe what each designation covers and why your clients and prospects should value working with an Advisor that has them.
  4. Talk about any charitable organizations you work with or consult within.
  5. Describe where you grew up and what College you studied at.
  6. Lastly, tell your audience about your family and what you like to do for fun when you’re not in the office.

Your ‘’About Us’’ page makes your online business more human. When you add expertise and capabilities, enter new markets, join a new charity, club or committee; don’t forget to update your About Us page. Make sure your page always matches what you would say if a client were to ask you about your practice today. And remember, do no hesitate to be original and highlight your personality. This page helps to give a face and story to your business, and differentiates you from your competitors.

