
SEO Tips for Advisors | 5 Key SEO Traps You Want to Avoid

SEO traps

I had the privilege of listening to Danny Sullivan speak today and thought I would share and expand on some of his key thoughts with you. For those of you who don’t know Danny Sullivan, he is a well known industry authority on search with over 18 years of experience.

1. No good SEO company will email or call you. This makes complete sense after all, if they’re good at SEO, shouldn’t they first prove that you can find them instead?

2. A guest blogger will not offer you content. That’s right, if you have a blog it’s only logical that you would allow others to write on your blog IF you thought their content was valuable. And it’d be valued if you read their content.

3. You cannot depend solely on Google search for traffic. I actually hear this a lot when working with my clients. It’s all founded on the notion of “if you build it they will come”. Well, they won’t necessarily come, unless you tell them you exist.

4. SEO is only a part of your inbound / content marketing mix. Much like the saying analysis paralysis. Over “SEO-ing” your website will give you negative gains and distracts you from what’s really important. Creating valuable and useful content.

5. (I’m paraphrasing here) Think less about SEO and more about People Engine Optimization (PEO). Search engines were created (and continue to evolve) to achieve one primary goal. To mimic what a human would answer if you asked that human a question. Search engines seek to provide the best answer for the question that is being asked. Both of these actions are performed by humans. Don’t forget that marketing success is derived from the basic concept of effectively answering your customers questions. No amount of SEO can help you do this but listening will.

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