Tag Archive for: marketing

Everything you need to know about GDPR – Explained
With all the latest news about data breaches and how companies are using people’s personal data for advertising, this has a lot of consumers worried and demanding change. One of those changes is the European Union General Data Protection Regulation…

What is Holding Advisor Organizations Back from Implementing a Martech Strategy?
In a previous post, I wrote about how the high demand for individualization across investment advisors websites put many firms in a difficult situation to manage these expectations without fragmenting their visual brand. This was primarily…

Outbound Vs. Inbound Marketing for Financial Advisors
Marketing is a necessary task for any business. However, there are seemingly infinite ways to go about it given the current digital landscape. You might find yourself wondering, “how should I go about marketing my Advisory business?

Financial Advisors: Using Niche Marketing to Grow your Business
As more people obtain their CFP certification, it is becoming increasingly difficult for Advisors to prove their value over competitors.
It used to be common for small businesses to market themselves as a “one-stop shop.” This made…

Financial Advisors: Build a Better Digital You
As a student looking for work, I was repeatedly asked, “Do you have a LinkedIn account?”, “What do your social media accounts say about you?”, and “What kind of an impression are you making on the digital front?” It has…

Introduction to Content Marketing for Financial Advisors
Marketing has evolved tremendously in the past decade – and more importantly the way we market to people has changed. Today’s consumers make purchasing decisions based on research they do on their own, reading online reviews, and through…

Ignoring LinkedIn is Hurting your Advisory Firm
According to The Wall Street Journal, “At Social Media High, Facebook is the all-star quarterback, Twitter is the school paper’s editor in chief and Snapchat is the mysterious, Harley-riding transfer student. That makes LinkedIn the nerd…

5 Types of Content to Boost your Advisor Website Traffic
According to Marketo, “Inbound marketing is a strategy that utilizes many forms of pull marketing – content marketing, blogs, events, SEO, social media and more – to create brand awareness and attract new business. Inbound marketing earns…