
An Introduction to Portal Governance

So, your company has embarked on an enterprise portal implementation. You have completed your due diligence, established your business use case, calculated your ROI, and completed the process of vendor/product assessment and selection. The next…
Let Your Backbone Slide - Extending RESTful web services

Let Your Backbone Slide – Extending RESTful web services

Backbone.js provides a very flexible framework for building JavaScript applications that interact with web services. Models and Collections serve to represent easily represent data entities, with operations to create, read, update, and delete.…
liferay application server

Top 5 Application Servers for Liferay Deployments

We often get asked by new Liferay customers, "What application server should we deploy Liferay on?". Our answer always starts with, ''What are you using today?''.   If your organization already runs applications using a Java stack then there's…
Liferay Scripting Console

Leveraging Liferay’s Scripting Console

Recently, we were faced with a challenge. We were trying to add a new page to Liferay with a specific name friendly URL but when we went to add the page we saw an error indicating the URL was already in use. This particular site has hundreds…
BackboneJs User Notification

Backbone.js Patterns: User notification system

At Veriday, we have been using Backbone.js to build rich web applications for a few years now. During this period we developed different patterns to make us more efficient building apps using Backbone.js as well as to enforce certain user experience…