13 ways to increase your e-mail open rate [Infographic]

Do you know what your e-mail open rate is?

It all starts with the subject line. The subject line of an e-mail is crucial in getting prospects to open it. The subject line will determine the success or failure of your campaign. If your e-mail is not opened, then all of your hard work in creating the campaign has gone to waste.  You want prospects to feel like they must open, read and act on your email.   When your prospect is not expecting to hear from you, or may not even really know you, so probably has not built that trust for you, the subject line can present quite the challenge.

In our Infographic below, we share some of our top e-mail secrets with you.  These are some great techniques to help your e-mail get opened and read:


Top 13 Ways Advisors Can Increase E-Mail Open Rates [Infographic]